

My name is Dr. Michael Krochak, Co-Founder at the NYC Smile Spa, and this is my dental blog! I document the latest trends in dentistry and oral health and hygiene!

Marijuana and Your Oral Health

Marijuana and Your Oral Health

Going to the dentist high on marijuana is not a good idea for many reasons. Both marijuana and local anesthetics affect your central nervous systems. Although you may think being high would help you relax, it can actually increase the amount of local anesthetic needed limiting the amount of work that can be done predictably.

Marijuana can lead to increased anxiety, paranoia, and hyperactivity, which could make the visit more stressful. It can also increase your heart rate and have negative respiratory effects which increase the risk of using local anesthetics for pain control. In addition, treatment options should be discussed and decided together by the dentist and patient. If you don’t have a clear head then you compromise your decision making ability.

Many studies have shown that marijuana users have significantly more cavities than nonusers. This is not a direct cause but an indirect cause. THC in marijuana makes your hungry and people don’t always make healthy food choices under it’s influence. In addition , it often makes you tired and you can easily fall asleep without your normal nighttime oral hygiene regimen, leading to increased bacterial activity at night.

Smoking marijuana causes dry mouth and is associated with gum disease as well. Smoking marijuana also increases your risks of mouth cancers. So please do not go to the dentist high and when smoking at home, try to maintain your health responsibilities to yourself with regard to eating and oral hygiene routines.

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