

My name is Dr. Michael Krochak, Co-Founder at the NYC Smile Spa, and this is my dental blog! I document the latest trends in dentistry and oral health and hygiene!

Is Fluoride Really Beneficial For My Teeth?

Is Fluoride Really Beneficial For My Teeth?

Cities and towns have been adding fluoride to their water for over 65 years and it’s still doing a great job of preventing cavities. How? By replacing minerals in your tooth enamel
that are lost because of contact with acids formed by plaque and bacteria and acids in our diets. Fluoride makes your teeth more acid resistant thereby helping prevent decay. Fluoride can even reverse the decay process in its early stages. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls water fluoridation “one of the 10 great public health achievements of
the 20th century
”. The intake of fluoride in children while their adult teeth are forming makes their adult teeth less prone to decay for life!

Topical Fluoride use

Just like your bones go through a constant state of mineralization and demineralization, so do your teeth! Your teeth demineralize (first step in cavity formation) in response to acids in your mouth. However, your saliva brings minerals back to the teeth to remineralize them so this process depends on the amounts of acids versus minerals available. When fluoride is present topically, it gets incorporated as a mineral and makes the tooth more acid resistant. The topical effect of fluoride is beneficial in adults even after your teeth are formed.

Flouride is a naturally occurring element. Its benefits were discovered because there are areas in the Rockies with naturally fluoridated water and it was noted that residents in these areas had significantly decreased decay rates! A landmark 40 year study was then done in neighboring towns in upstate NY that used the same reservoir for their water. One town fluoridated their drinking water and the other didn’t. Patients were followed with dental checkups for 40 years and the fluoridated town had statistically significant less dental decay! Drinking fluoridated water isn’t the only way to protect your teeth. We also recommend that topical fluoride be applied right after a cleaning, because the flouride uptake will be optimal then. Most people had this done as children but it works equally well in adults.

Do not use some faddy “natural holistic” non fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride in toothpastes are the easiest way to get the beneficial topical effects of fluoride. For patients with high decay rates and risky areas, a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste can be prescribed. Gum recession is a big risk factor exposing the roots of your teeth, which are 700% softer and more vulnerable than tooth enamel. These areas are greatly helped with topical fluoride use.  Over the counter fluoride rinses like Act can also be used. If you have any questions or comments or

For more information, you can contact Dr. Michael Krochak at


NYC Smile Spa

30 E. 60th St., Rm 1201

New York, NY 10022

(212) 838-2900

Relax and smile!

Taking Steps to Detect Oral Cancer Before It's Too Late!

Taking Steps to Detect Oral Cancer Before It's Too Late!

Toothbrush Maintenance

Toothbrush Maintenance